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Top 8 Product Management Reports

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Product management is a critical function in any organization that produces and sells products. It involves the planning, development, marketing, and maintenance of a product throughout its lifecycle. Product managers rely heavily on data and product management reports to make informed decisions about their product strategy, development roadmap, and marketing campaigns.

In this article, I will explore the most commonly used product management reports that product managers rely on to guide their decision-making.

Product management reports can provide valuable insights into the performance of a product, the needs and preferences of the target audience, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. These reports can also help product managers identify areas for improvement and prioritize development efforts accordingly.

The most commonly used product management reports include:

  • Product roadmap,
  • Release plan,
  • Product backlog,
  • Sprint report,
  • User feedback report,
  • Customer acquisition report,
  • Product performance report,
  • Competitor analysis report.

Each of these reports serves a specific purpose and provides unique insights into the product’s performance, customer needs, and market trends.

By understanding the purpose and value of each of these reports, product managers can leverage data and insights to make informed decisions that improve the product’s performance, increase customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.

Product Roadmap

A product roadmap is a high-level plan that outlines the development and release of a product over a specific period. It serves as a strategic guide for product managers, development teams, and stakeholders to understand the direction of the product and its key milestones. The product roadmap typically covers a timeline of 6 to 12 months and includes information on the product’s goals, features, and release schedule.

The product roadmap helps product managers communicate the product’s vision, objectives, and priorities to stakeholders and development teams. It also enables them to align the product’s development with the organization’s business goals and market needs. The roadmap provides a clear and concise overview of the product’s development plan, including the features that will be developed, the release schedule, and the dependencies between different features.

A well-defined product roadmap can help organizations make better decisions about resource allocation, development priorities, and market positioning. It also allows them to respond quickly to changes in market conditions, customer needs, and competitive pressures.

A product roadmap is an essential tool for product managers to drive the product’s success and ensure its alignment with the organization’s overall strategy.

Release Plan

A release plan is a detailed schedule that outlines the timeline and milestones for each product release. It is an essential tool for product managers, development teams, and stakeholders to track the progress of product development and ensure that it meets the planned release dates. The release plan typically covers a timeline of 3 to 6 months and includes information on the features, functionality, and quality criteria for each release.

The release plan helps product managers manage the product’s development and delivery process by providing a clear and concise overview of the development priorities, milestones, and dependencies. It allows them to track the progress of each release, identify potential roadblocks, and adjust the development priorities accordingly.

A well-defined release plan can help organizations ensure that the product meets customer needs, quality standards, and competitive pressures. It also allows them to plan the marketing and sales activities around the product releases, ensuring a successful launch and adoption.

A release plan is an essential tool for product managers to manage the development process effectively and ensure the timely delivery of a high-quality product. It requires careful planning, coordination, and communication between different stakeholders and teams, but the results are worth the effort, as it ensures the product’s success and the organization’s growth.

Product Backlog

The product backlog is a prioritized list of features, tasks, and improvements that need to be developed for a product. It serves as a dynamic tool for product managers and development teams to manage the product’s development and prioritize the work based on customer needs, market trends, and business goals. The product backlog typically covers a timeframe of 1 to 3 months and includes items that need to be developed in the next sprint or release.

The product backlog helps product managers and development teams plan and execute product development by providing a clear and concise overview of the development priorities and requirements. It allows them to collaborate and communicate effectively, ensuring that the product meets the customer’s needs and quality standards.

A well-defined product backlog can help organizations ensure that the development efforts are focused on the most valuable and critical features, resulting in a high-quality product that meets customer needs and generates revenue growth. It also allows them to respond quickly to changes in market conditions, customer feedback, and competitive pressures.

A product backlog is an essential tool for product managers and development teams to manage the product development process effectively and ensure the product’s success. It requires continuous refinement, prioritization, and collaboration between different stakeholders and teams, but the results are worth the effort, as it ensures the product’s competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Sprint Report

The sprint report is a summary of the development progress for a specific sprint. It provides an overview of the work completed, the progress made toward the sprint goal, and any issues or obstacles encountered during the sprint. The sprint report typically covers a timeframe of 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the sprint length.

The sprint report helps product managers and development teams to monitor the progress of product development and ensure that it is aligned with the sprint goal and the product roadmap. It also allows them to identify potential roadblocks and address them before they become significant issues.

A well-defined sprint report can help organizations ensure that the development efforts are focused on the most valuable and critical features, resulting in a high-quality product that meets customer needs and generates revenue growth. It also allows them to respond quickly to changes in market conditions, customer feedback, and competitive pressures.

A sprint report is an essential tool for product managers and development teams to manage the product development process effectively and ensure the product’s success. It requires continuous monitoring, communication, and collaboration between different stakeholders and teams, but the results are worth the effort, as it ensures the product’s competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

User Feedback Report

The user feedback report is a summary of the feedback received from customers or users about a product or service. It provides an overview of the customer’s experience, including their likes, dislikes, and suggestions for improvement. The user feedback report typically covers a timeframe of 1 to 3 months, depending on the frequency and volume of the feedback received.

The user feedback report helps product managers and development teams to understand the customer’s needs, preferences, and pain points, allowing them to improve the product’s features, functionality, and user experience. It also enables them to prioritize the development efforts based on the customer’s feedback, ensuring that the product meets their needs and expectations.

A well-defined user feedback report can help organizations ensure that the development efforts are aligned with the customer’s needs and preferences, resulting in a high-quality product that meets their expectations and generates revenue growth. It also allows them to respond quickly to changes in the customer’s preferences and competitive pressures.

The user feedback report is an essential tool for product managers and development teams to manage the product development process effectively and ensure the product’s success. It requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and communication with the customers or users, but the results are worth the effort, as it ensures the product’s competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Customer Acquisition Report

A customer acquisition report is a document that outlines the various strategies and tactics a company uses to acquire new customers. It provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of these strategies, including their effectiveness, cost, and return on investment. The report also identifies the channels that are most effective for customer acquisition and the ones that need improvement.

The report typically includes a summary of the company’s overall customer acquisition performance, such as the number of new customers acquired over a specific period and the cost per acquisition. It also includes a breakdown of the various customer acquisition channels the company uses, such as paid advertising, social media, email marketing, referral programs, and others. The report provides detailed analysis and data on the performance of each channel, including the cost per lead, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value.

The customer acquisition report is an essential tool for any company that wants to understand how well its customer acquisition strategies are performing. It helps businesses identify the most effective channels for acquiring new customers, optimize their marketing budgets, and make informed decisions about future investments. Ultimately, the customer acquisition report helps companies improve their customer acquisition performance and grow their business.

Product Performance Report

A product performance report is a document that provides a comprehensive analysis of how well a product is performing in the market. The report typically includes data on sales figures, customer feedback, customer satisfaction ratings, and other metrics that indicate how well the product is meeting customer needs and expectations.

The product performance report is an essential tool for any business that wants to understand how well its products are performing in the market. It provides valuable insights into which products are selling well, which ones are underperforming, and what changes could be made to improve their performance.

The report may include data on the product’s market share, revenue, profit margins, and other financial metrics. It may also provide feedback from customers on the product’s features, usability, and overall satisfaction. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas where the product can be improved and where resources should be allocated.

Ultimately, the product performance report helps businesses make data-driven decisions about product development, marketing, and other important areas of the business. It allows companies to optimize their product offerings and stay competitive in the market, ensuring long-term success and profitability.

Competitor Analysis Report

A competitor analysis report is a document that provides an in-depth analysis of a company’s competitors in the market. The report typically includes information on the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor, their market share, their product offerings, and their marketing strategies.

The report provides valuable insights into the competitive landscape, helping businesses understand their competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas where they can gain a competitive advantage. It helps businesses stay abreast of their competitors’ actions and respond quickly to changes in the market.

The competitor analysis report may include data on the competitor’s pricing strategy, distribution channels, customer base, and target market. By analyzing this data, businesses can develop strategies that capitalize on their competitors’ weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities in the market.

Ultimately, the competitor analysis report helps businesses make informed decisions about their own product development, marketing strategies, and overall business operations. It allows companies to stay competitive in the market, attract and retain customers, and achieve long-term success. Without understanding the competition, businesses can struggle to succeed in a crowded market and may miss out on important opportunities.


Product management reports are essential tools that provide product managers and development teams with valuable insights and information to manage the product development process effectively.

The product management reports discussed in this article include:

  • Product roadmap,
  • Release plan,
  • Product backlog,
  • Sprint report,
  • User feedback report,
  • Customer acquisition report,
  • Product performance report,
  • Competitor analysis report.

Each of these reports serves a unique purpose in the product development process, and together they provide a comprehensive overview of the product’s progress and performance. They allow product managers and development teams to prioritize the development efforts, ensure that the product meets the customer’s needs and expectations, and respond quickly to changes in market conditions and competitive pressures.

By using these reports, organizations can achieve a higher level of productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction, resulting in increased revenue growth and market competitiveness. However, it is essential to remember that these reports are only as good as the data and insights they provide, and they require continuous monitoring, analysis, and refinement to be effective.

What product report have you used in your career? Please let me know if the comments below.

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About Vit Lyoshin

Since 2011, Vit has worked with product teams, managing mobile, web, and cloud systems development within commercial industries and government. Applying his strong planning, coordinating, communication, interpersonal, and decision-making skills led multiple cross-functional teams to deploy various software products for global and national companies in North America, Europe, and Asia, as well as for the US government.


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