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What is a Scrum Master (Short Guide in Bullet Points)

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What is a Scrum Master?

A Scrum Master is a facilitator of the Scrum Framework for an agile development team, and responsible for ensuring that the team adheres to the Scrum principles and practices, and for removing any obstacles for the development team. The Scrum Master is not a manager or a team lead, but rather a servant-leader who helps the development team to self-organize, make decisions, and deliver products to customers.

The Role of a Scrum Master

Because a Scrum Master is a facilitator of the Scrum, they play an essential role in helping the team, Product Owner, and organization as a whole.

Let’s take a look in more detail at how a Scrum Master helps each group.

How a Scrum Master Helps a Scrum Team

  • Facilitate Scrum ceremonies such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, Sprint Reviews, and Sprint Retrospectives.
  • Identify and remove any obstacles that may slow down the development team’s progress. This could include technical issues, communication problems, or conflicts within the team.
  • Help the development team members to understand and apply Scrum principles and practices. The Scrum Master coaches the team on how to work in an Agile environment and helps the team to improve their performance.
  • Act as a buffer between the development team and external stakeholders or interruptions. The Scrum Master helps the team to stay focused on their work and protects them from distractions.
  • Work with the team and the Product Owner to create clear and achievable sprint goals. The Scrum Master helps the team to prioritize their work and ensure that they are working on the most important tasks.
  • Encourage the team to continuously improve their processes and practices. The Scrum Master helps the team to experiment with new ideas and techniques and to learn from their experiences.
  • Help the team to work together effectively and promotes collaboration between team members. The Scrum Master facilitates communication between the team and stakeholders.
  • Monitor the development team’s progress and performance and report it to the stakeholders. The Scrum Master also identifies areas for improvement and helps the team to implement changes to improve their performance.

How a Scrum Master Helps a Product Owner

  • Work with the Product Owner to ensure that the Sprint Planning meeting is productive and that the development team has a clear understanding of the product backlog items they will be working on during the sprint.
  • Help the Product Owner to maintain and prioritize the product backlog. The Scrum Master ensures that the backlog is regularly reviewed and that the most important items are at the top.
  • Work with the Product Owner to ensure that the product backlog items are clear, concise, and have enough detail for the development team to start working on them.
  • Help the Product Owner to communicate with stakeholders and to ensure that their needs and requirements are being met.
  • Help the Product Owner to plan the upcoming releases and ensure that the development team is working on the most important items that align with the overall product goals.
  • Guides the Product Owner on Scrum principles and best practices. The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner to understand how to effectively manage the backlog and make informed decisions.
  • Help the Product Owner to make decisions by providing data and insights from the development team and stakeholders.

How a Scrum Master Helps an Organization

  • Help the organization to have a clear understanding of the team’s progress, performance, and areas for improvement. This increased transparency allows the organization to make more informed decisions and to identify and address issues more quickly.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that the development team is working on the most important tasks and regularly delivering working software.
  • Encourages the team to continuously improve their processes and practices which promotes an organizational culture of experimentation and learning, which can lead to increased innovation and better results.
  • Help the organization to adopt and implement the Agile methodology effectively. The Scrum Master coaches the teams and stakeholders on Agile principles and best practices and helps them to understand the benefits of Agile.
  • Facilitate communication channels and make sure everyone is informed and on the same page within the organization.

Skills of a Scrum Master

  • Strong understanding of the Scrum Framework and how to apply it in practice.
  • Facilitate the Scrum meetings effectively and keep the team focused on their work.
  • Be able to resolve conflicts within the team and between the team and stakeholders.
  • Coach and mentor team members on Scrum principles and practices and help them to improve their performance.
  • Be able to identify and remove obstacles that slow down the team’s progress.
  • Be able to communicate effectively with the team and stakeholders.
  • Be able to lead by example and promote a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Be able to adapt to changes in the team, stakeholders, and organization.
  • Good knowledge of the technical aspects of work, to understand the team’s challenges and to facilitate communication with technical stakeholders.
  • Be able to think strategically and align the team’s work with the organization’s goals.

Scrum Master vs Project Manager

A Scrum Master and a Project Manager are both responsible for helping a team to achieve its goals, but they have different roles and responsibilities.

Scrum Master

  • Facilitates the Scrum process and ceremonies for an Agile development team using the Scrum framework.
  • Helps the team to self-organize and make decisions.
  • Focuses on helping the team to improve their performance, remove obstacles, and deliver working software.
  • Is not a manager or a team lead, but rather a servant-leader.

Project Manager

  • Plans, executes and closes projects according to the project management plan.
  • Monitors and controls project progress and makes adjustments as needed.
  • Focuses on ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders.
  • Is responsible for managing the project team, and may have formal authority over team members.

A Scrum Master is more focused on facilitating the Scrum process and helping the team to improve their performance, while a Project Manager is more focused on managing the project and ensuring that it is completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders.

How Do You Become a Scrum Master?

Becoming a Scrum Master involves a combination of education, obtaining certifications, and acquiring specific skills.

Let’s take a look in more detail at each area.


The education requirements for a Scrum Master can vary depending on the organization and industry. However, most Scrum Masters have at least a bachelor’s degree, with many having advanced degrees and certifications. Having a background in software development or IT can be beneficial for Scrum Masters as it helps them to understand the technical aspects of the team’s work and facilitates communication with the technical stakeholders.

Common fields of study for a Scrum Master include:

  • Computer Science
  • Project Management
  • Business Administration
  • Information Systems

It’s important to note that becoming a Scrum Master is more about gaining practical experience and continuous learning in the field, than about having a specific education or degree. Experience with Agile methodologies, understanding of the Scrum framework, and soft skills such as facilitation, conflict resolution, communication, and leadership are more important for this role than my educational background.

Scrum Master Certifications

Scrum Master certifications are designed to demonstrate a professional’s knowledge and understanding of the Scrum framework and their ability to apply Scrum principles and practices in real-world situations. Some of the most popular Scrum Master certifications include:

  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM): This is the most widely recognized Scrum Master certification. It is offered by the Scrum Alliance and requires you to attend a two-day course and pass an online test. The CSM certification is valid for two years and can be renewed by participating in Scrum Alliance-approved courses or activities.
  • Professional Scrum Master (PSM): This certification is offered by Scrum.org and is based on the PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III levels. PSM I is an entry-level certificate that focuses on Scrum basics and principles. PSM II and PSM III advanced-level certifications that focus on more complex scenarios and the ability to coach, mentor, and lead teams.
  • SAFe® 4 Scrum Master (SSM): This certification is offered by Scaled Agile and is based on the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), which is an extension of Scrum for larger, enterprise-level projects. The certification requires you to attend a two-day course and pass an online test.
  • PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner): This certification is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and recognizes knowledge of Agile principles and practices across various frameworks, including Scrum. The certification requires you to pass an exam and meet specific educational and professional experience requirements.

Note that these are not the only certifications available, but some of the most popular. It’s important to choose a certification that aligns with your career goals and the industry you work in.

Self-Learning for Scrum Masters

  • Read the Scrum Guide. The Scrum Guide is the official guide to the Scrum framework and is a great resource for learning about Scrum principles and practices. It’s a good idea to read it and refer to it regularly.
  • Read books. There are many books available on Scrum and Agile methodologies that provide insight and practical advice on how to apply Scrum in real-world situations.
  • Join online communities and participate in discussions on Scrum and Agile methodologies. This is a great way to connect with other Scrum Masters, share experiences, and learn from others.
  • Attend webinars and conferences on Scrum and Agile methodologies to stay current on the latest developments and best practices. This can be a great way to learn from experts in the field.
  • Look for opportunities to participate in Scrum projects and apply what you’ve learned in a real-world setting. Observe and assist a Scrum Master, and gradually take on more responsibilities as a Scrum Master.
  • Practice on your own. Try to apply Scrum principles and practice in your projects. This will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the framework and to identify areas where you need to improve.
  • Take the time to reflect on your performance as a Scrum Master, and identify areas where you need to improve. Continuously reflect on your practices, and try to find ways to improve them.


A Scrum Master is a facilitator and coach for a development team using the Scrum framework. They help the team to self-organize, make decisions and improve their performance. Scrum Masters are responsible for facilitating Scrum ceremonies, removing obstacles, coaching the team, protecting the team, fostering collaboration, reporting progress, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement. They do not manage the team but instead lead by example and help the team to work together effectively. Scrum Master certification is not a requirement, but it is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to Scrum. Anyone can become a Scrum Master, regardless of their educational background, as long as they have a deep understanding of Scrum principles and practices and the right set of skills. With the right knowledge and skills, any professional can become a successful Scrum Master and help organizations to deliver high-quality products and services.

What are some of the best practices can you share as a Scrum Master? Let me know if the comments.

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About Vit Lyoshin

Since 2011, Vit has worked with product teams, managing mobile, web, and cloud systems development within commercial industries and government. Applying his strong planning, coordinating, communication, interpersonal, and decision-making skills led multiple cross-functional teams to deploy various software products for global and national companies in North America, Europe, and Asia, as well as for the US government.


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